


[Earthchie] ทำให้เว็บกลับมามีสี

The [Earthchie] ทำให้เเว็บกลับมามีสี is a Chrome add-on that allows users to change the color scheme of websites. Whether you want to make all websites black and white or add color to specific websites, this add-on provides a clear and vibrant display for better visual distinction.

There are two main benefits to using this add-on. Firstly, it can turn all websites into a black and white color scheme. This feature is useful for those who prefer a more subdued and minimalist aesthetic. For example, you can easily make Facebook appear in black and white with just a few clicks.

Secondly, it can bring back color to websites that are originally black and white. This feature is particularly beneficial for users who need clear color differentiations to distinguish details. For instance, e-commerce websites like WeMall, Lazada, and Chilindo often have products that rely on color to convey information. This add-on can help solve the problem of indistinguishable colors on these websites.

Please note, however, that the add-on does not guarantee that websites will return to their original colors 100% accurately.

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